Save time and money
by unlocking pricing insights

Unlock the vendors you're interested in for 30 days. Use credits earned from data contribution or pay for access. No sneaky auto-renewals.
Give-to-Get Popular
1 pricing insight for 1 credit
Every pricing insight contributed gets you one credit for unlocking vendors for 30 days.
Your contribution helps level the pricing playing field for everyone.
Single Vendor Access
$49 per vendor
Billed one-time at $49 (USD) for 30 day access.

Frequently asked questions

When do I get my credits?

After we approve your contribution, you'll get an email notifying you of how many credits you've earned. We aim for same day unless there are questions.

How do I use my credits?

Credits allow you to unlock vendor pricing insights. Choose the vendor you're interested in and apply your credits on that vendor page. 1 credit gets you 30 days unlimited access.

Do credits expire?

No, credits do not expire.

Can I buy credits?

Not yet! We're working on that.

What are my payment options?

We currently accept credit card payments through Stripe. The $49 will be billed up front granting immediate single vendor access for 30 days.

Does the Pro plan still exist?

We've changed our pricing model to move away from recurring subscriptions. Existing customers who are on the Pro plan will continue to have unlimited access until their subscription expires.

Do you offer an unlimited access plan?

We currently do not. If that's something you're interested in - reach out to us at and we can figure something out.

Can I get a receipt?

Yes. When a successful payment goes through, you'll automatically receive a receipt from Stripe to the email address on the account. You can also find receipts in your Account.

What type of new prices are you adding?

New prices are added based on requests from members as well as what's likely to attract new users. Not all requests can be met, but we try our best to make sure we're sourcing high quality prices.